The Tennessee Association for Assistive Technology was established in 2005 as a non-profit organization with charter members from across the state. The primary objective of the association is to offer up-to-date information and resources about AT and provide professional development opportunities for assistive technology providers and users. TAAT is an association of professionals and individuals involved in all aspects of AT integration and use.  Our association seeks to...

  • provide quality professional development opportunities to educational staff and/or college students pursuing related careers involving AT

  • offer information and resource support to teachers, therapists, AT specialists and others who provide AT services and devices to students ages 3 - 22 in Tennessee Schools

  • provide resources and leadership related to the field of AT

  • provide support to students who use AT and their school-based teams

Join TAAT Here:

Complete the enrollment form today to receive additional information and notices regarding educational opportunities in your area as well as the annual state conference.  Membership is FREE.  Contact information is used to provide email updates and news related to the field only.

*Our privacy policies prohibit the sharing of any contact information provided.